Green light for Stallingborough Interchange Business Park

A new £2.6m business park has been approved (10 October) by North East Lincolnshire Council’s planning committee as part of the SHIIP programme designed to improve the economy in the area.
Strategically located at the junction of the A180 and the A1173, it has good access to the Ports of Immingham and Grimsby, and has ready access to the strategic highway network.
The site has been allocated for employment purposes in the Local Plan and is also a designated Humber LEP Enterprise Zone.
The work at Stallingborough Interchange Business Park will include:
·       Creation of a new roundabout on the A1173 to provide access to the site, and associated other highways works
·       Build new access roads within the site
·       Build substations, pumping stations
·       Provide drainage infrastructure
·       Landscaping
Once complete, the new 106 acre (43-hectare) park will give the potential for approximately 1.6million square feet (150,000m2) of business space (around 20 units) and up to 2672 national standard jobs. The space will be allocated for research and development, general industry and storage and distribution units.
Councillor Peter Wheatley, cabinet member for regeneration, said: “The availability of good quality employment land within North East Lincolnshire is currently very limited and this is the first steps in addressing this. Additionally, recent evidence has shown that there is real potential for employment growth over the next 10-20 years. This is a key milestone in the South Humber Industrial Investment Plan, and one I’m delighted has progressed.”
Plans have already been approved for the creation of the South Humber Bank Link Road, which will link Grimsby and Stallingborough on a parallel road to the A180 and help movement between the ports.
Funding for the Stallingborough Interchange Business Park scheme has come from  North East Lincolnshire Council (£13.4m) and is match funded with £2.6m funds from the Humber LEP. Work is due to start on site in early 2019, with the project completed by mid 2020.

james capper


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